Our Staff

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Middle School Leader

Ms Lisa Caffyn

Ms Lisa Caffyn, Middle School Leader will work closely with appointed middle school teachers to ensure your child has access to specialist curriculum design that will prepare them for senior schooling and SACE.

"As St Mary MacKillop School moves forward into secondary education, I am excited to be part of this progression.  For ten years, I have been a member of St Mary MacKillop School and during this time have witnessed firsthand the growth in our school.

Our Middle School features state of the art design and will be equipped with all the resources your child will need to complete a comprehensive education.  With a background and passion in secondary education (I have previously taught science, maths, physical education and home economics), I look forward to working within this setting once more.

I am excited that St Mary MacKillop School will be able to offer middle school education, while providing deep connection to parents at this transformative time in your child's life.  Our aim is to tailor learning programs to meet each child's needs."

Ms Lisa Caffyn

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Middle School Education Support Officer

Mrs Sue Wharton

Sue Wharton is our Middle School (Years 6-9) ESO and holds the role of supporting students in all areas of their learning and wellbeing.  Sue builds strong relationships with students and staff, witnessing to our goal to know each individual student deeply.  Sue also contributes to all of the administration requirements of the Middle School area (setting up for Science, Tech, Food Tech practicals, attending to WHS, etc.)