We are a Catholic parish school serving the Copper Coast and surrounding areas and offer an education for your sons and daughters from the moment they begin their formal schooling in Reception to Year 9.
• That everybody has a right to feel and be safe and to learn to the best of their ability.
• That learning and wellbeing are interconnected and students will flourish when teaching and learning is inclusive, differentiated, dynamic, student centred and relevant.
• That students learn best when they know what is expected and are able to reflect upon and accept responsibility for their behaviour.
• That parents/caregivers, students and staff must work together and have a common, agreed understanding of positive behaviours.
Our school incorporates a number of Wellbeing and positive behaviour practices including:
• Restorative Practices underpinned by Restorative Justice Theory
• Circle Time
• Program Achieve
• Wellbeing intervention and support
• Classroom based personal responsibility
• Yard based personal responsibility
The school has in place the following personnel and teams to assist with Wellbeing intervention and support:
School Chaplain
The school chaplain is available for students, parents/ caregivers and staff for matters related to their wellbeing. Students may come on a voluntary basis or as referred by their class teacher.
Student Wellbeing Team
The Student Wellbeing Team identifies students, in conjunction with class teachers, administration staff, ESOs or parents who may be at risk or have issues that compromise their wellbeing.
The Student Wellbeing Team member then works with staff and the student to determine a plan of action and appropriate intervention if required.
Leadership Team
Whenever required, members of the Leadership Team are informed and involved in any wellbeing issues that may arise. They liaise with teachers and other members of the school to ensure the wellbeing of the students is of paramount importance.
Student Mentor
Student mentors, appointed by the Principal, meet with students who have been identified with behaviour or social and emotional issues.
Issues that warrant a referral can range from social isolation to underdeveloped social skills. Student mentors meet with these students regularly, ranging from weekly to fortnightly. Parent permission is sought for their child to be involved in the mentoring program.
These teams and personnel will be identified to the community through the School Newsletter on an annual basis or as appropriate.